
Monday 22 August 2016

Candy Land

Candy Land                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               The loud and noisy crowd cheers then BOOM!The excitement was gone the olympian me (Kate) and my friend Chloe were in a diffrent too. Suddenly we saw Valerie Adams. Chloe was so excited that she even asked me to slap her in the the the face so I did then she asked me if she was dreaming and I said “Nope”Then faster then you can say a bunch of munchy crunchy carrots she went of to Valerie Adams saying “ can I have your autograph and can we take a selfie.” ”Okay Chloe back here!” I said.” Sorry I’m just so excited I can eat this grass with dirt” and she starts to eat it “Numm, numm it’s actually really yum the dirt tastes like chocolate and the grass tastes like icing,yummy in my tummy someone it’s so yummy.”Try some,” said Chloe. ”Um okay” I said and I did it was actually pretty yum. ”Wait did I just eat grass and dirt that was actually yum,where are we”? Umm according to my calculations we are in-Then I butted in,” That is my line Chloe so”, I said “according to my calculations we are in… CANDY LAND where they say eat all you can to make your dreams come true.””When in the Philippines it’s, Do all you can to make your dreams come true, anyway” I said.Then suddenly there were giant marshmallows came out and started hitting as with there weapons that they have I was like “ohhh that's so cute”.Then out of nowhere my dog Charlie started eating the giant marshmallows it was so cute and sad at the same time. But in the end Charlie ate all the giant marshmallows. Charlie was so round and chubby like a round gummy bear that ate to much candy so cute and round. Okay anyway Charlie was so heavy me and Chloe had to take turns carrying Charlie. Chloe, me Chloe, me Chloe, me, okay you get it now don’t you. We were walking and then suddenly we were in the desert we found a pyramid that was made out of cake.We went there to rest. In the morning we started walking further and further then suddenly we felt the sand under our feet sinking the sand was made out of sherbet then we fell into a underground cave with had a river made out of chocolate and rocks made out of maltesers.And in the river there were chocolate fishe’s.The chocolate river was leading to a waterfall made out of hot cocoa the waterfall was leading to a cave.But suddenly some tough looking gummy bears came out from the cave but me and Chloe didn’t see them, They went to a shortcut to the chocolate river where me and Chloe were they went up to Chloe and said we want to challenge the black sticks, “okay” we both said at the same time. The match was good and of course the Black Sticks won.We kept on walking and walking till it was night time. We got woken up by a rustle in the bush, I went to check and when I came back I was with chocolate bunnies. I told everyone that the chocolate bunnies said that they will make us a teleporter so we can go back to Rio to see (or for the Olympians they will play in the games) the game. 1 hour later after they built the teleporter It is is finally done the chocolate bunnies said press this button think of the place you want to go to then you are there said the chocolate bunnies. They went to New Zealand then Germany then Spain then FINALLY Rio. The game started and guess what New Zealand won. HHHHHHHHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORRRRRRRRRYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!! “Sorry but we stop have to stop right here because I don’t want waste the paper but I’m still talking so we have to say bye now like right now so BYE NOW!!” By Kate                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    We had to make a narrative about anything but we had to put somewhere in the story something about the olympics.
This one is my one.
I hope you like it

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